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Jesse Wiedinmyer

Imitosis was the track that jumped out at me for first listen. The fact that I misheard the lyric "poor professor pension" as "poor professor Pynchon" may have had something to do with it.


Jesse - until this very moment, I was mishearing it the exact same way!

Jesse Wiedinmyer

Maybe if we ask real nicely, we can get him to change the lyrics. Ours fit so much more nicely.


I haven't heard the album, but had a very similar experience with his last (mysterious production of eggs). That album, over the last two to three years, has really turned out to be one of those where I've really "gotten my money's worth" so to speak. So many repeat listenings.


I haven't heard the album, but had a very similar experience with his last (mysterious production of eggs). That album, over the last two to three years, has really turned out to be one of those where I've really "gotten my money's worth" so to speak. So many repeat listenings.

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