A few short takes from around the interweb:
—Land+Living does a pretty good job of getting you up to speed on the landscape architect Ken Smith’s recently awarded Orange County Great Park project. Smith will be the master planner, with the architect Enrique Norton, public-works artist Mary Miss, and LA-based landscape architect Mia Lehrer in tow. The park will be larger than both Central Park and Golden Gate Park, and the defining element will be a canyon that Smith will “build,” running seventy feet deep and two miles long. (I’ve been getting a kick out of everyone saying he’s going to “build a canyon.” When I was a kid, I used to try and build a hole all the way to China.) In addition to L+L, the LA Times had two articles on the announcement in yesterday’s paper, and Curbed LA also has a snarky post.
—Pruned is probably my favorite site on the interweb. Alexander Trevi has a great eye for visually stunning imagery. His most recent post is no exception. Here’s a sampling:
More images of this nature at his site, and take some time to dig around if you’ve never been there before.
—The New York Times had an entertaining little article about scientists who, while studying the workings of the brain, accidentally discovered schadenfreude.
—Last but least, Pitchfork has the latest on the ever-growing legend/parody that is Axl Rose’s comeback of the century, Chinese Democracy.