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Where can I find Ellen Barkin's Olatz pj's?


Where can I find Ellen Barkin's Olatz pj's?

wish i were there

hmmmm.... i don't know what pj's you are referring to, or how you found my site, but i do know that olatz schanbel has an amazing store in NYC, in tribeca, that sells pj's and bedding... and i can't think of too many other olatz's. the shop has a website, and here's a link to the cotton pj's (though i have no idea what kind ellen barkin would wear... but i know i would enjoy these!). they're about $300 and come in a million color combos:

if olatz's are too pricey, you should just scoot on over to brooks brothers and buy youself an almost identical pair. they're designed for men and probably don't come in pink - but who cares? i think that's quite chic as well. i hope that helps.

Charlotte Corona

Thanks for the info on Olatz pj's. Yes I read Ellen Barkin's article in Oprah's magazine about loving and living in the Olatz pj's. She's such a doll I couldn't resist googling the name. I live in CA too and $300 is a bit of a stretch so will take your advice about Brooks Bros. pajamas (not in pink). Thank you,

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